
Luther’s Catechetical Writings: God’s Call to Repentance, Faith and Prayer is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book contains Luther’s small and large catechisms, which grew out of practical religious needs, and ultimately out of the institution of the confessional. He was grieved by what he considered the spiritual wretchedness of Christians, and he saw it as his duty to teach them the doctrine of eternal salvation. These catechisms were meant both for schoolchildren and for adults, and Luther...

doing of God’s will. Rather, he supposes that he is forsaken and given over to devils and wicked men; that there is no longer any God in heaven, willing to know or hear him. This is the true hunger and thirst of the soul, in which it longs for comfort and help; and this hunger is much harder to bear than bodily hunger. Here is where the “our” comes in. Our needs clamor for recognition, and we say: “Give us this day our daily bread.” How is this done? 95. God has left us much trouble upon earth and
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